Saturday, July 31, 2004


I don't want it!
I don't want to feel you

Gazing down at me
Your optimistic eyes
Offering adoration,

I'm sorry
I just don't want to smile yet
To dream about tomorrow
Or to think beyond the wounded thoughts
With which I curl up with at night
And clutch close.
What do I have without them?

Take ten steps back
And stay there.
But don't just stand there and stare...

Give me room
To move
Without thinking,

Give me a chance
To know what I need
And remind myself of what I don't have.

Give me space
To be selfish
Without seeming to be unkind.

Strip away
Your "one day" aspirations
And let me be free
Wit neither guilt
Or expectations.

I know nothing about tomorrow,
I want to wallow in today.

If you pull what I push,
Don't be disappointed when you
Get dragged along on the ride.


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